Product Gift 2 Ball
Produced with the most fine and rich tobaccos and manufactured with modern tecnology to offer a superior quality

GIFT 2BALL is a refined expression of sophistication in the world of cigarettes, delivering a smoking experience that captivates the senses. With an exclusive composition, this cigarette is crafted from a carefully balanced blend of premium tobaccos, selected sugars, cigarette paper, plant extracts, and flavor agents.**

The precise composition of GIFT 2BALL is designed to offer an engaging fusion of flavors, creating a truly exceptional smoking ritual. Each cigarette is a sensory masterpiece, standing out for the unparalleled quality of its ingredients.

Additional information on the composition of GIFT 2BALL:

Tar: 5mg
Nicotine: 0.5mg
Carbon Monoxide: 5mg

Discover a new dimension of smoking pleasure with GIFT 2BALL, where every detail is meticulously crafted to provide a unique and memorable experience.

For a smoking pleasure that transcends expectations, try GIFT 1BALL – a masterpiece of sophistication and incomparable flavor. Be prepared for a unique sensory journey where the quality of the ingredients is taken to new heights.

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